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UK’s Biggest and Best Range
of Cat Flaps and Dog Doors

Quality Installation

4-Way or Push Style Dog Doors

4-Way and Push Style Dog Doors

The majority of Dog Doors are push style—this is because dogs love to run towards Dog Doors rather than saunter up to it. Microchipped flaps don’t have enough chance to read the dogs microchip at speed. There- fore most of the manufacturers of Dog Doors have chosen to only make doors that are durable enough to withstand zoomies through them.

This is also why lots of Dog Doors are not suited to glass installations— the stress that a dog running into the door (and missing) can put undue stress on the glass surrounding the Dog Door and cause it to shatter. The larger the dog—the greater the stress.

We have more options available for dog door installations into walls and solid doors (uPVC, Wooden, Composite) than there are for glass. This is because we can provide greater stability to the area with the support from the walls/door than glass can.

Please ask us what is available for your breed of dog and we will assist you in finding a suitable Dog Door.

We don’t install or recommend 2-way flaps as they do not offer much protection against weather and are not very secure

Can you lock Dog Doors easily?

Each Dog Door that we install can be locked—this may be via dials, levers, an App or even a locking plate.

Having a large Dog Door might be a security risk

Please do consider whether having a visible Pet Door in your home might compromise your home security—especially if you have a big softie of a dog!


When you are deciding where to install a Dog Door, please bear in mind whether your dog would be a good enough deter- rent if a burglar decided to chance it. Burglars can climb through Dog Doors, so we recommend that you take special care to secure any internal security panel supplied at night or when going out or use the manual locks to secure the safety of your home.


We have a range of high security Dog Doors available from
High Tech Pet and PlexiDor to give you peace of mind with your Dog Door installation

Measuring for a Dog Door


Measure the height of your dog from the tallest point of your pets back to the ground :                  cm


Measure the width of your dog from the widest part from shoulders to shoulder:                  cm

Remember to decrease the height of your pet flap installation if your dog has mobility or disability issues

If you are uncertain of the size of flap needed always choose the largest size suitable for your pet – it is better to future proof than have to pay again!

Measure Your Dog’s Height

Stand your dog up straight and measure from the ground to the tallest point of your dogs back (this may be their shoulders, mid- back, or tailbone).

Measure Dog Door Width

Measuring how wide of an opening you need can be done by blocking off a portion of your doorway and leaving only the intended width open and calling your dog through. This will let you know if your door is too small with your dog’s width. They should be able to easily move through the door without a struggle.

Create Mock Pet Door on Cardboard

Once you have determined the dimensions of the pet door you need, we recommend taking the dimensions of the flap and replicating them into cardboard and seeing if your dog can go through easily. If they do not have around 2cm either side, you may want to consider a larger dog door in order to futureproof the installation as pets tend to

The Top of The Flap Should be At Least 1” (2.5cm) Taller Than Your Dog's back

Even smaller dogs have a tendency to barge through small pet flaps. If the top of the flap isn’t tall enough, your dog may be hurting their back every time they go through the door. You also don’t want a collar getting caught on the top of the door, as it’ll wear out the door and could hurt your precious furry family member!

The Step Over Height Should Never Be More Than 1/3rd of Your Dog’s Height

Door mounts typically require a step over of at least 3” (7.5cm) to not ruin the integrity of the door. The step over should be as low as possible for your dog to comfortably get through, this will make it easier as they get older. Re- member that if your dog is old, has short legs or has mobility issues that you may want to have the flap installed lower than normal.

Schedule An Installation

Whether you’ve always loved the idea of installing a Dog Door or are just now thinking about adding that extra level of convenience for your furry friend, a 4-way dog door is the perfect blend of convenience and enrichment for you and your dog.

You’ll have the peace of mind of knowing they can come and go as they please, and your dog will benefit from being able to go outside regularly—reducing the chances of accidents inside if they can go out freely to use the toilet.

Obviously, this isn’t suitable for all dogs—especially those prone to escaping from your garden or those who love being noisy by barking at the neighbours.